Quick Tip 45 – Editing Tips 2 (More Hotkeys)

ArcGIS 10.2.2

Today I have some handy hotkeys that will let you zoom and pan around the map without having to change the current activated tool. This is useful when digitizing or editing features using the Editor, as instead of zooming in, activating your editing tool (for example, draw polygon), editing, switching to the pan tool, scrolling over, switching to your edit tool, you can just keep the edit tool engaged at all times. They happen to be difficult to showcase in still images, so here’s a screenshot of Monterey:


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Quick Tip 44 – Editing Tips 1 (Hotkeys)

ArcGIS 10.2.2

When digitizing features or splitting features, it can be easy to misclick or get halfway through drawing a feature and realize you messed up somewhere earlier in the sketch. I have two keyboard hotkeys (keyboard keys which enact a command) / shortcuts you can use in those situations.


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Quick Tip 40 – Using the Cut Polygons editor tool

ArcGIS 10.2.2

Sometimes we need to subdivide an area down into smaller units – for example, splitting a county into management areas, or creating study areas of similar land use. This can be done by manually drawing the borders of each sub-area, but this is tedious, and it is easy to misclick and have boundaries not line up. Fortunately, there is an easier way: Using the “Cut Polygons” tool in the editor toolbar.


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